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Weekly Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 1, Parshas Bereshis

October 26, 2024; 24 Tishrei, 5785 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

QUESTION: I wanted to get your opinion on the following situation: The father and founder of a highly lucrative family business, wants his family to eat a heart-healthy diet. He gets very upset whenever any of the family at the office orders fries, oil rich foods, and/or fatty meats and anything at all with mayo. At the office, if lunch is being ordered in front of him, the family has developed a code system of food ordering – where certain not-so-healthy sandwiches have other names. If a family member wants to order the pastrami and he is within earshot of the father, he tells the one doing the ordering, to order him the salmon...


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