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Weekly Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 45

September 14, 2024; 11 Elul, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

QUESTION: There are people who donate sets of Seforim (Jewish books) to Shul libraries for public use. In many of these Shul libraries, the bookcases are filled to capacity with Seforim. Consequently, the Gabbaim (Shul assistants) will at times give away extra Seforim – even entire sets of Seforim. “Reuvain” took one of the give-away sets with the blessing of the Gabbaim. Let’s assume that this particular set had six volumes in it and now the publisher has just come out with a seventh volume. May Reuvain write a letter to the publisher that says as follows: “Our Shul has received a donated set of your six volume Sefarim set...


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