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Weekly Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 4

November 12, 2022; 18 Cheshvan, 5783

Parsha In this week’s parsha, one of the Malachim (angels) that visited Avrohom Avinu informs him that Sara Imeinu was going to have a son despite her advanced age. Sara overheard this prophesy and did not believe it. The Possuk says, “Now Avrohom and Sara were old, coming on in years; Sara had ceased to have the way of the women. Sarah laughed within herself, saying, ‘After I have become worn out, will I have smooth flesh…’” (Bereishis 18:11-12)

How could Sara, who was on an even greater level than Avrohom in regards to prophesy, deny the truth of the prophecy?...


The Sefas Tamim Foundation emphasizes the primacy of Everyday Emes in our everyday lives through educational and inspirational program study of Halacha, Mussar and Chizuk.

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