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News Articles

August 24, 2024; 20 Av, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

Rav Avraham Grodzinsky ZT”L (1884-1944) was the Mashgiach Ruchani (spiritual supervisor) of the Slabodka Yeshiva in Lithuania after Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZT”L (the Alter of Slabodka) moved half of the Yeshiva to Chevron in Israel. Rav Grodzinsky was the personification of the Middah of Emes. In his work, “Toras Avrohom” he writes that even in the performance of a Mitzvah, when one’s inner motivations do not really reflect his outer actions, it is a lack of inner Emes. Of course, we still perform the Mitzvah in the spirit of the idea that, “Achar HaP’eulos Nimshachim HaLevavos – the hearts follow the implementation of actions”...

August 17, 2024; 13 Av, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

It was Friday night on the Shabbos before Tisha B’Av and the congregation was in a somber mood. The Chazan (prayer leader) had a beautiful voice; however, the congregation was not able to appreciate it. They were too anxious and scared for their brothers and sisters in Israel. Iran had threatened to attack Israel as revenge for Israel’s assassination of the political head of Hamas on Iranian soil.

The mood continued through Kabalas Shabbos (prayers said on Friday night to greet the Shabbos) and through most of the Lechah Dodi prayer until the following happened...

August 10, 2024; 6 Av, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

“Shlomo,” a former Yeshiva student, entered the working world of Public Relations. At the beginning of the year, his manager sat him down and asked him his preference regarding his compensation. "Would you like a raise this year of X amount per month, or would your preference be to forego a raise, and instead receive a significant bonus of Y dollars?” Although, the actual dollar amounts for either alternative were similar, Shlomo responded that he would prefer the raise, because it offered him a better chance of higher compensation in the long-term...


The Sefas Tamim Foundation emphasizes the primacy of Everyday Emes in our everyday lives through educational and inspirational program study of Halacha, Mussar and Chizuk.

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